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GAA sports are the most popular throughout Ireland. Today strength, power, speed and agility are the attributes a serious player must have to excel in their chosen GAA sport.


Competitive players must have powerful quads, hamstrings and glutes to help them accelerate from A to B as quickly as possible.


Resisted Sprints with TJ Reid and Anthony Geoghegan


Muscles consist of 3 main fibre types:


  1. Slow Twitch Fibres- Responsible for the strength and endurance of a muscle.
  2. Intermediate Twitch Fibres- Possess qualities of both slow and fast twitch fibres.
  3. Fast Twitch Fibres- Responsible for the speed of muscular contraction.


Speed Bands target the fast twitch muscle fibres which are responsible for giving the player speed, agility, quickness and power. Fast twitch fibres are up to 10 times faster than slow fibres. The High Knee Wall Drill exercise is an excellent exercise for strengthening these muscle fibres.

GAA Speed Training


Gaelic sports rely greatly on speed. By following the exercises in the video below, the fast twitch muscle fibres in your hamstrings, quads and glutes will be activated to develop increased levels of speed and power. Using the Speed Bands while doing ladder drills and other agility exercises will develop strength in your legs for that quick side-step to wrong foot your opponents.


Gaelic sports require players to be able to jump high so therefore they must train for power. Squats, dead-lifts and power cleans are important exercises for Senior GAA players, however used along with the Speed Bands will guarantee greater results.


Simply wrap a strap around each leg, connect the resistance bands and your hamstrings and glutes will begin firing. The muscles in the thigh and core region along with the calfs are responsible for the vertical jump so use the Speed Bands to train these specific muscle groups.


CLICK HERE to see other GAA speed training videos.