If you are looking for an exercise that will simultaneously build strength and muscular endurance in your legs, core, chest, triceps and shoulders then it’s time to get on the floor and start dragon crawling.

Sports Performance Benefits of the Dragon Crawl

  • Improves overall body strength.
  • All the major muscles are being strengthened as your knees do not touch the ground.
  • Your leg muscles have to work hard against the resistance of the Speed Bands, preparing them for strong powerful runs.
  • The dragon crawl engages the entire body which strengthens the hip and core muscles, helping to connect the lower and upper body, increasing overall power and reducing the chance of injury.

Coaching Points

  • Perform the exercise in a slow, controlled fashion.
  • Keeps the hips low and body flat.
  • Get a full range of motion.

Make sure the body is well warmed up before starting. Begin with the red resistance bands for the first few times performing this exercise, then proceed onto the stronger green resistance bands.

Dragon Crawl Workout

  • Dragon crawl forward for 10 yards, then dragon crawl backwards to where you started.
  • You can increase the distance overtime and include press-ups into your sequence.