Plyometric training with Speed Bands is a great way to both boost performance in a broad variety of sports, and take your speed and power to the next level.

When you train with resistance bands to add additional challenge to a movement, you are increasing your strength throughout that range of motion, so when you do the motion without that added resistance you will be faster and more powerful. This is enormously beneficial to athletes who need to make vertical jumps, sudden direction changes, and explosive sprints down the field or court.

The most effective form of speed training with resistance bands involves relevant movements to your sport, that increases your power, body control and agility. In the video above we focus on 4 sports specific movements.

These are advanced dynamic power exercises that should only be performed after a complete warm up.

Reverse Lunge Jumps

This exercise works on developing power in the legs and hip region. You will feel your glutes and quads working through the resistance of the bands with every jump.

It involves:

  • Stepping back into a lunge position with the chest upright then powering up explosively.
  • The Speed Bands will challenge you to keep your balance so maintain a strong core throughout for body control.

Ensure your technique is correct then gradually speed up the movement for better results.

 Alternate Lunge Jumps

  • Jump with an explosive motion making sure to get both feet off the ground.
  • Switch legs in mid-air.
  • Land softly back into your lunge and repeat the movement.
  • Make sure your body remains upright during the motion and keep the core engaged to remain steady in your landing.

Tuck Jumps

Tuck jumps are great for improving the vertical jump. Open the knees on every jump so the Speed Bands activate the glutes.

  • Stand upright, feet shoulder width apart, shoulders and upper body relaxed, with the knees slightly bent.
  • Jump upwards, bringing the knees up towards the chest, using the arms forcefully to add to the height of the jump.
  • Land on the balls of the feet and then immediately repeat. The key is to try to minimise ground contact time by landing correctly on the balls of the feet and then springing into the next jump right away.

 Speed Skaters

The Speed Skater exercise develop the muscles in the hip, groin, ankles and quadriceps. It helps to improve lateral quickness and agility.

Once the bands are in place, athletes should follow these guidelines:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and bend your knees.
  • Simply bound to the left in an explosive motion with a soft landing.
  • Maintain your balance while landing – then power off.
  • Repeat for 10 seconds.

To gain the maximum benefits of this exercise, every jump should be as wide as possible.

Perform the exercises with the Speed Bands first then repeat unresisted sets.

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