Before an intense speed training session, athletes should always perform a thorough warm to avoid injury. The purpose of an effective warm up is to generate heat in the muscles and prepare for movements specific to your sport.

Fast High Knees

  • 3-4 Resisted sets of 10 seconds.
  • Followed by 2 unresisted sets of 12 seconds.

When you train with resistance bands they add additional challenge to a movement. This increases your strength throughout that range of motion, so when you perform the same exercise without the added resistance you will be faster and more explosive.

Once you have the Speed Bands correctly in place above the knees pump your knees at 100% effort. Keep your elbows at a 90° angle with the hands opened and relaxed. The knee movements should be straight and high (Not out the side or pointing outwards).  After the 10 seconds rest for 30-40 seconds then repeat three more resisted sets.

All the tiny fast twitch muscles in your hamstrings, quads and glutes will be worked over these 4 sets.

Now after the resistance bands are taken off you will notice your legs feeling light and strong. You will be able to move your legs a lot faster without the bands so work at maximum effort to increase your speed.

Knee Up and Out Hops

  • 2 resisted sets on each leg.
  • 1 unresisted set on each leg.

In this exercise we are working one leg at a time to develop strength in the hip flexors and quad muscles. Every knee up through the resistance works the various muscles in the hip region. The knee up out to the side simply ensures the outside of the hip is also being strengthened.

Remember to work at full intensity through these two exercises.

This Video explains how you can improve your speed and agility.